Friday, September 30, 2011

Charley Harper/Donors Choose/School Garden

The 4/5's and I have been so busy working on our Charley Harper  animal art, I have not taken any photos.  I will next week.  We are studying Charley Harper's animal prints, and creating our own version out of cut paper.  We are lucky to have amazing visual resources, made possible from the generous donors from Donors Choose.

Donors Choose is a nonprofit site where teachers can create a project and ask for specific items.  Then, amazing people from all over the country login and donate to fund our projects.  So far the VHE art room has received $400 of Charley Harper books, and $500 of tiles used to make the mosaic stepping stones that are currently in the VHE garden.  Please feel free to check out the site and see if any VHE teachers currently have projects to donate to.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! Thanks for doing this blog. It is fun to see pictures of what the boys keep talking about. My brother is an art teacher on a reservation in New Mexico and has used "Donor's Choose" for many of his projects. You obviously wrote some great descriptions and sold the ideas well. Awesome work!
    Margaret (Nathaniel and Simon's mom)
