Friday, September 30, 2011

Charley Harper/Donors Choose/School Garden

The 4/5's and I have been so busy working on our Charley Harper  animal art, I have not taken any photos.  I will next week.  We are studying Charley Harper's animal prints, and creating our own version out of cut paper.  We are lucky to have amazing visual resources, made possible from the generous donors from Donors Choose.

Donors Choose is a nonprofit site where teachers can create a project and ask for specific items.  Then, amazing people from all over the country login and donate to fund our projects.  So far the VHE art room has received $400 of Charley Harper books, and $500 of tiles used to make the mosaic stepping stones that are currently in the VHE garden.  Please feel free to check out the site and see if any VHE teachers currently have projects to donate to.

Oodles of Glue!

If your child came home with a handful of glue sticks this week ...
...this is why.
About 500 were donated!

Tree Houses: Color

We are wrapping up the Magic Tree House projects, and they are beautiful!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Capitol Paintings

The K/1 students are learning about Madison artist Phil Porter.  Phil is one of my favorite artists, and he happens to have developmental disabilities.  Phil works with an amazing organization here in Madison called Very Special Arts.  The kids have learned that Phil loves to paint iconic Madison buildings.  This summer I purchased a painting of the Capitol by Phil, and it has served as the inspiration for our own Capitol watercolor paintings.  The K/1's and I have talked about the architecture and details of the building, along with the Capitol surroundings: green grass, farmers markets, and lakes.

We are drawing in pencil, outlining in Sharpie, and watercolor painting.

   Work in progress, Phil's painting

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My Magic Tree House

The second and third graders are working hard on a new drawing project.  Using the theme of the Magic Tree House books, the kids were asked the question:

If you had a magic tree house that could take you anywhere, real or imaginary, where would you go?

We are drawing in pencil, outlining with Sharpie, and coloring with colored pencils.

Magic Tree House book

Work in progress

Work in progress

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Open House Tonight

See you tonight for open house from 5:00-5:45.  Pizza dinner to follow!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The First Day of School

The first day of school is one of the best days of the year.  Teachers are reminded just how much they LOVE your children and their jobs.  What a day...a sticky, sweaty, and wonderful day!

If you were a spoon what would you dip into?
Today the K/1 drew a picture of what they would love to dip into.
A lot: ice cream
 A few: jello
One: bed
Yep...your kids are great!